Where to look for employees: 7 sources to find junior developers


Do you believe in human potential? Do you create a corporate environment where talent grows skywards like Jack’s beanstalk? If so, the issue of attracting promising recruits to your team is relevant to you

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Do you believe in human potential? Do you create a corporate environment where talent grows skywards like Jack’s beanstalk? If so, the issue of attracting promising recruits to your team is relevant to you. We at Indigo recruitment agency have given much thought to the nuances of hunting for young IT talents.

Where to look for employees: 7 sources to find junior developers


According to the Tech Ecosystem Guide to Ukraine 2019, more than 200 colleges have IT programmes, producing 16, 000 graduates annually. You can certainly find someone for you among those. However, it is too late to welcome them with open arms during the graduation ceremony. Other employers have already organized a lot of initiatives, which they use to draw in recruits and form loyalty. In addition, many graduates will or have already launched their own startups. This means that you have to start offering value to the talents during their studies; first sow and then reap.

IT courses

It’s a good sign when someone enrolls in a course, as it means they want to change professions and are ready to invest in it on the level they can afford. They have perhaps gained basic knowledge, so it will be easier for them to start working.

What’s more, many students have gained certain skills even before attending courses, but then decided to receive a certificate. Of course, it isn’t the best idea to simply wait outside the classroom and catch the most successful students, particularly since many programmes are now online. As an alternative, you can offer your own course, or create corporate programmes that allow you to take a better look at the students.

Student communities

As we select recruits based primarily on their personal profile instead of their experience, knowledge and skills, their participation in communities can serve as a filter. These are usually driven and proactive young people who aspire for development and have a basic knowledge of project management and teamwork. You can certainly teach Python, but you can hardly ever teach culture.

Where to look for employees: 7 sources to find junior developers

Ordinary schools

Nowadays, if a company starts looking for potential talent at universities, it is already lagging slightly behind. This is why employer brand development with regards to the new generation has to begin at school. This can be accomplished through interesting classes on technology, or vocational guidance with neatly integrated info about the benefits of your company. You may invite your prospective colleagues to your office for a brief tour, as a lot of companies do. It is one thing to hear, but quite another to see, all the unbelievable things which could soon become a part of their lives.

By the way, you should also have a fresh look at the children who come to the animators’ office on holidays 😉

Virtual world

Many young people interested in the world of technology “reside” in the virtual gaming world, so it is possible to find candidates among the players. Consider the famous case of the Danish company Uncle Grey: they invited top players of Fortress 2 to become brand ambassadors by exposing them to posts with links to their job openings.


Internships have many benefits. Yes. Investments are certainly required, but they are usually lower compared to those required when looking for professionals of the corresponding level, according to feedback from companies which offer internships. It is not only about employment, but also about corporate social responsibility, employer brand, and even the motivation of experienced colleagues. At a certain point, many professionals experience an internal need to share knowledge. Besides, everyone needs a new vision, even and perhaps especially, experienced professionals and established businesses.

«Follow the rabbit»

Where to look for employees: 7 sources to find junior developers

The new generation admires quests and puzzles, which is why a lot of employers are trying to intrigue youngsters and get them to their doorstep. For instance, a Polish company, DaftCode, has first attracted attention with a banner, and then set up their logo at the nearest location to the Warsaw University metro station. They also added pieces of a code to their advertising. Nothing more. Those who managed to solve the puzzle received contact information and were invited to job interviews.

There are tons of cases like this. For instance, Google posted puzzles on a billboard and a British intelligence organization, GCHQ, offered the potential cyber fighters a sophisticated numeric puzzle to solve, and so on.

Where do you search for talented youth? Share your interesting stories 🙂

Автор статті: INDIGO Tech Recruiters
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