Why does your business need a recruiter?


This article may be of use to owners and directors familiar with Ukrainian IT realities who want to improve their recruiting and also to those foreign companies who are interested in the level of recruiting in Ukraine and want to build their own hiring process

Менеджмент HRD Бізнес CEO Підбір персоналу Найм Команда HR IT Рекрутинг Професії

This article may be of use to owners and directors familiar with Ukrainian IT realities who want to improve their recruiting and also to those foreign companies who are interested in the level of recruiting in Ukraine and want to build their own hiring process.

According to Indigo statistics, CEOs and owners of IT companies estimate the efficiency of recruiters at 4 points, while freelance recruiters by 3 out of 10 possible.

Most recruiters can be safely replaced by bots– business does not need IT recruiters. Business needs great employees and a well-established hiring process.

And implementation depends on the company’s development strategy — is it better to contact a freelance recruiter or a recruiting agency, hire with the help of CEO or delegate the task to the team lead or PM, or build an HR department?

For instance, in a small company of up to 50 people, in which 1-2 vacancies per month are closed it is quite acceptable to reconcile the role of HR generalist and a recruiter. The same with a company of 100 people which does not plan to grow and in which the personnel are relatively stable (no need to constantly look for replacements). It all depends on the situation in the company and plans for the nearest future.

Competencies of a good recruiter

Recruiter Competencies for your business depend on the stage of business development, the growth and organization of the recruiting process

How to recognize a good recruiter

  • A good recruiter is always about people. Essentially they are both a psychologist and mediator
  • A good recruiter understands technical nuances

It is not necessary to know all the details of programming. But it is necessary to understand the basic things, like the terms which are used in a given project in order to correctly present a vacancy to the candidate and not to bombard the internal customer with unsuitable resumes.

  • A good recruiter is stress-resistant. He knows how to accept refusals and does not fly into hysterics
  • A good recruiter is about speed — especially in IT, when everything is needed yesterday. They have the ability to comply with deadlines and do several tasks simultaneously.
  • A good recruiter is an excellent communicator — they can write to developers in a way that guarantees a response s e. And even if the answer is “no”, they will be able to keep dialogue channels open or maintain a relationship for the future.
  • A good recruiter can help with development. To stay in the loop, you must constantly be aware of current events — which tools simplify search processes? What is the recent news on the market?

Where to find a good recruiter?

If you can сope without a recruiter — try to.

Look around in your team — an ambitious office manager, bored of communications or a QA bogged down with bugs, a team coach that longs for more professional challenges or a freelance-recruiter who does their work well. Any of these guys could be excellent candidates for the role of an internal recruiter. They know your company and you already know what to expect, their strengths, weaknesses and speed of work — this is a plus. At the same time they have no idea about ​​recruiting and will have to learn a lot. In such a situation, Recruiting Schools will be of use.

If you didn’t manage to find someone in the company — look elsewhwere.

Where to advertise your vacancy?

Place advertising in the experienced recruiter hotspots, — links to Skype chat rooms, FB groups, Telegram channels and work sites. Here’s a bit of advice — give experienced recruiters without experience in the IT field a chance. A probationary period is enough to learn the ropes of IT, but it takes years to develop true recruiting skills.

If there is no time to teach, the budget is limited and you want young, up-and-coming junior devs — Contact IT recruiter schools.

If recruiting tasks are complex and not just recruiters but recruiting consultants are needed — then these guys should be tracked down the same way as senior recruiters

How to assess a recruiter’s professionalism

  • Test tasks can reflect how a recruiter does the search, how they screen, write letters to candidates and clients, as well as how they analyse the labor market and how they evaluate the terms of the assignment
  • Check their LinkedIn page (see if there are recommendations from candidates, how they present themselves)
  • Look up texts of vacancies that have already been written and uploaded to the network by your recruiter candidate
  • Quality and speed of communication at all stages of selection — a true recruiter stays in touch with candidates 24 /7. If they do not respond promptly and competently to your e-mails as a potential employer, do you think anything will change when they answer emails from front-end developers?
  • A good recruiter is a results-oriented person. Therefore, they speak in figures — how many vacancies they were working on, how many of them were closed per month or in their entire experience, what the conversion was and the timing of job openings at their last job.
  • Check the recommendations from former employers, and if you really want to be sure about specialist — then also talk to candidates who were employed by your potential recruiter

The best test and challenge for a recruiter is to let them сlose 1 vacancy as a freelancer- the result will give you a good idea of their quality of work.

How to motivate a recruiter for effective work or what do good recruiters cost in Ukraine ?

Most of all potential employees are strongly motivated by the absence of bureaucracy, the ability to work remotely, and grow professionally.

If we speak in figures — depending on experience and the scope of tasks in the company, a good recruiter can cost from 1000-1500 USD to 2000-2500 (with or without bonuses)

If you’ve got no time to engage in recruiting process yourself or if you are looking for many experienced developers, contacting a freelance recruiter or a recruiting company will save you time and resources.

reelance recruiter services can cost from 500 USD up to 100% of the monthly salary of the hired employee. Recruiting agency services start around 8% (of 1 monthly salary) and can reach up 20% of the recruit’s annual salary.

If you have any questions concerning quality recruiting processes — we’ll be happy to help. Contact us any time: info@indigo.co.ua

Автор статті: INDIGO Tech Recruiters
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