“Get stuck” to the screen and profit: 9 channels about technology, which will glue you to Youtube.


Recommending fascinating video channels is a very tricky decision. Most of us already spend too much time on the Internet. However, we’ve decided to offer a set of Youtube channels to you

IT Розвиток Дозвілля Програміст
“Get stuck” to the screen and profit: 9 channels about technology, which will glue you to Youtube.

Recommending fascinating video channels is a very tricky decision. Most of us already spend too much time on the Internet. However, we’ve decided to offer a set of Youtube channels to you. Moreover, we strongly advise against subscribing to them if the project is burning, and there are other urgent tasks to do.

Unbox Therapy
Is one of our a favorite channels with video of testing of the latest gadgets of all types, from smart watches to massage chairs. There are also interesting “hit parades. ” For example, the hit parade of unexpected gadgets such as the Symphonica Horn Speaker (a wooden speaker for the iPhone in the form of a gramophone), or cool devices that cost less than $ 10. Like FlashFan, a glowing mini fan that you could connect to a smartphone.

Gadgets HERO
Product reviews, including futuristic ones, like gadgets, drones, virtual reality devices. It does not matter who you are, either an experienced Android developer, a parent on maternity leave or a student, there is a lot of curious stuff among the sets. Things like useful devices for camping, childcare items, other things for successful studies, etc.

Linus Tech Tips
Created in an entertaining format, Linus Tech Tips offers videos about different products, such as the Tap Strap. You can wear it on the fingers, and it works like keyboard, mouse and game controller. The device is connected to most devices that support Bluetooth. Also, there are fun experiments like assembling a PC with a three-year-old child.

Here you can find the latest news from the world of technology, reviews, training videos, interviews, interesting videos from technological events and other useful content. For example, tips on how to automate the morning routine with devices that control lighting, temperature and brew coffee.

The Verge
Journalists research how technologies will change lives in the future. This consists of reviews, product testing and comparison, news from the world of technology. A variety of aspects are considered, from beauty gadgets and smart glasses to space technologies. Also a lot of video discussions with a group of experts on how to block spam calls, recommendations on how to choose a camera for blogging, etc. are posted here.

Future Thinkers
Work in the field of IT recruitment makes you think about the future. This channel is about our future. It contains small videos. For example. How the world around us will be affected by technology (such as a review of industries that will be destroyed by a new innovation). And also research on the human mindset.

Exclusive interviews with representatives of the technological world, news about outstanding start-ups, robotics, Internet products and much more. For example, a tour around Skydio. This company develops autonomous drones with collision protection and the ability to record video, even in an environment with obstacles, like in the forest.

Generation Challenge
Collections of “amazing inventions that you should know about”: about the smart pillow Darma, that keeps track of your stress levels and controls posture; about a mask with special filters for daily use, and can even protect against pollution from the environment, and many other devices, though it’s difficult to believe that many of them will ever be widely used.

In-depth video about the most realistic robots, losers in the blockchain, the development of robotics and little-known facts about the world’s technology companies, including Samsung, Facebook, Google, Apple, Tesla, etc.

Technologies are developing with speed. So if you lose a few days, you can find that your favorite device, which was considered cutting edge, has already become old-fashioned. And robots have learned skills that you promised yourself to pick up for years, but never found the time to master. Fortunately, you can track news in one click. All you need is subscribe to these exciting channels.

author Ekaterina Maevskaya

Автор статті: INDIGO Tech Recruiters
2824 Переглядів
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