
No matter how hard the company tries to turn its office into the Garden of Eden, sooner or later most of the employees leave this place on their own

HR IT Програміст Підбір персоналу


No matter how hard the company tries to turn its office into the Garden of Eden, sooner or later most of the employees leave this place on their own. What exactly motivates IT-specialists to accept recruiters offers? Our IT-recruitment agency Indigo was curious about this question. So we could offer our list of reasons to you.


Although salaries in IT are traditionally high, practice shows that not only a salary increase of 1. 5–2 times, but also the good old “$ 500 rule” lures you away from your position. Often, the side that offers you such benefits is especially generous. To attract, let’s say, an excellent frontend developer or another specialist, it gives a more attractive total remuneration, including a variable portion, insurance, and other goodies.

The truth is that more and more companies openly declare that they have become convinced of the ineffectiveness of such tactics, and refuse to consider candidates who are lured away exclusively for a bonus.


Often, IT specialists leave if the project already became a bit boring, or does not meet expectations, or one more interesting offer just turned up. For example, a full stack developer is looking for an opportunity to use more technologies, knowledge, and skills that he didn’t need to use before.

It happens that both a company and a project are good, but there is an internal need to master an entirely new field, an area of ​​activity. And it also can be, that the employee does not cope with the responsibility assigned to him. That’s why he is looking for a simpler option.


Both professional and career. The glass ceiling arises for various reasons. For example, it limits the small scale of the company, or the management does not know how to manage processes. One thing is clear, that not all programmers are ready to sit in one company for years. And they will be happy to consider a proposal from a company that invests in people development and competently manages career development (vertical and horizontal). Also among the reasons is the inability to make any changes in the company’s processes, even if the proposal is rational.


If the team did not work out, and if you are not an introvert and you need communication, this is also an excellent reason to look around. Alas, sometimes the situation is repeated all the time. And the question arises, why does this lightning strike in the same place every time? And nevertheless, very often people leave their colleagues, and quite successfully fit into other microclimates, even with all their costs.


People come to and leave companies because of specific people, like Ivanov or Mari. The fault is the low competence of managers or “they didn’t get along. ” But the personality of the leader is a significant factor that helps either to keep people, even in difficult times or to scare them away. There is another side of the coin. When the manager leaves, if he did not find a common ground with the team.


Recognition is the core motive. Every person wants to be a part of a place where he would feel meaningful. And if there is no such sensation, the person tries to change the situation or learn the ways in which to enjoy it (but this is a different topic). A company can recognize the value of a person in different ways. Those could be material benefits, career advancement relations. If this is not offered by one company, then it will be provided by another.


This factor is not so important when the options are similar. If a snack machine of one office is filled with candies, and another office doesn’t have it, employees would not go to competitors. But if the office is situated in a place that even the map is afraid to show, mice are running there, and plaster is falling off, it is clear that people won’t stay and work there for a long time. Although it would seem, some started in the garages, and they are okay. They survived and succeeded.


This point is painful for Ukraine. People change jobs merely because they leave and relocate to another country for some time or with a one-way ticket. If there is an office of the same company in that country, relocation is also possible, but in any case, suitcases are packed with office belongings.

The end of the project

Sometimes going to another company is quite logical and we expect it. If the work was initially project-based, the company hired, for example, the Android Developer, the project was successfully delivered. So, it is time to look for a job elsewhere.

Changing the format of work

For example, a person for some reason wants to go to freelance or even create his own team, open his business. Then the employee leaves not something, but he comes to something new and exciting. And letting him go is not so bad.

It is hardly possible to eliminate all factors, and whether it makes sense? Migration of talents is necessary. But analyzing the key reasons makes sense. It helps to make the process manageable. Only thing, we should remember, that often such a simple explanation as “paying little” hides more complex ones. It could be cultural, managerial, or related to the internal causes of a person.

Автор статті: INDIGO Tech Recruiters
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